Sarah Valentini mentorships now open

Sensory Processing

Does your child struggle to wear socks, not cope in noisy environments, not want to wear certain clothes because of the way they feel, can’t concentrate in a visually stimulating environment, doesn’t like touch including hugs and kisses, and can be a picky eater (co-morbid symptom)? Sometimes even holding a pencil is difficult.

Sensory Processing Disorder occurs when the sensory messages (touch, smell, auditory, visual) that signal the brain become disordered so that it can be experienced as almost painful or overwhelming for a child.

Current conventional therapies, including Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology, do help with changing behaviours, but these therapies don’t go deep enough to manage the cause of the issue. Homeopathy and sensory integration therapy aim to address these deeper causes in order for the other therapies to be more successful and for symptoms to find a resolution.

The Similarity between Sensory Processing Disorder and Autism

Sensory Processing Disorder and autism have long been associated with one another. Due to its external manifestations, Sensory Processing Disorder was viewed as a symptom of autism; therefore, children with Sensory Processing Disorder are often diagnosed with autism. However, it is now understood that Sensory Processing Disorder is a separate disorder, meaning that children with Sensory Processing Disorder do not necessarily have autism, and vice versa.

The Child’s Exposure to Environmental Toxins in Utero and Beyond Can Be a Trigger

Women being exposed to environmental toxins and heavy metals while pregnant are believed to be a contributing factor to increasing the likelihood of the child developing autism and other health problems.

Below is a list of toxic chemicals that you should try to avoid coming into contact with while pregnant:

  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Pesticides
  • Endocrine-disrupting chemicals

Toxins Can Lead to an Unbalanced Gut Microbiome

Having a healthy microbiome is fundamental for the brain to function properly. Your child’s brain and gut have to be properly connected and work together to process sensory information correctly.

The food that a child consumes every day can contain many organisms, toxic substances and heavy metals. Pathological bacteria or fungi that can grow along the surfaces of a leaky gut can transform these toxins into very dangerous compounds. This can result in the child’s behaviour and development being impaired.

Sarah can provide a treatment that may be able to assist with rebalancing the gut and removing parasites, yeast overgrowths or dysbiosis.

Emotional Shocks and Traumas

Many children who come from backgrounds where they have experienced neglect or abuse suffer from both attachment disorders and sensory integration dysfunction. These children can feel confused, scared, oblivious, assaulted or angry when they experience certain sensations, affecting their behaviour. This can cause these children to struggle with sensory processing. The sensory integration therapy and homeopathic remedies Sarah provides can help children overcome or better adapt to sensory processing problems.

Our Approach

The initial consult will cover all the details of how SPD presents in your child, including details of what the trigger is, how they behave (scared, restless, angry, etc.). A full health history of the child is taken, as well as the mother’s history before and after conception. Sarah will observe the child and how they engage with her in the room, how they are with the toys and pencils, as well as any physical symptoms.

At the initial consultation, Sarah may prescribe further testing in order to gain a deeper understanding and remove any obstacles prior to giving a Sensory Processing Disorder diagnosis.

The tests Sarah commonly prescribes are:

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis – Mineral status and heavy metal toxicity from a hair sample. (See information on Heavy metals here
  • Complete GI Mapping Stool test – gives a full picture of the function of the gut as well as any parasites, yeast overgrowths or other bacterial imbalances that may be related to the behaviours.
  • Food Intolerance testing – Inflammation can be the result of an improper diet, and may cause gut issues that can lead to leaky gut and behavioural issues. This hair test will highlight any foods that are not compatible to the child. The results of this test will give an individualised diet plan for your child, rather than having to follow any diets that are not specific and may actually be doing more harm than good.

Book an Appointment for a Sensory Processing Disorder Diagnosis

Use our online booking system or call The Family Apothecary 0408 542 762 to book an appointment for diagnosis and treatment of sensory processing disorder for adults and children.

Book a free 15 minute discovery call with one of our consultants